Tag Archives: artificial intelligence

BIICL Short Course: Artificial Intelligence, Law and Ethics

Date: 10 Sessions: Wednesday 20 and 27 September, 4, 11, 18. 25 October 1, 8, 15, 22 November 2023

Time: 10.00 – 12.00 (UK time)

Venue: Online

Official website: https://www.biicl.org/events/11708/short-course-artificial-intelligence-law-and-ethics?cookiesset=1&ts=1691744194

Course Outline

This course provides participants with an understanding of the legal, regulatory and ethical issues arising in the context of artificial intelligence; an awareness of the way AI and technology operates in the legal sphere, with particular interest in the changing domain of legal service delivery and an understanding of the way in which AI is Governed and Regulated in a comparative perspective. By the end of this course participants will be able to critically assess legal, regulatory and policy developments related to artificial intelligence.

This course is delivered in partnership with the Centre for AI and Data Governance, Singapore Management University (SMU).

Course topics

  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Law and Ethics
  • Conceptual and critical understandings
  • Operation of AI and technology in the legal sphere and its impact
  • AI Governance and Regulation
  • Analysing emerging ethical issues and challenges in AI deployment in the legal sector
  • Looking into the future – disruptive regulation

Download the course outline 

Download the course programme  

Course Leaders and Tutors

  • Prof. Mark Findlay, Centre for AI and Data Governance, Singapore Management University (SMU) and Honorary Senior Fellow, British Institute of International and Comparative Law
  • Jane Loo, Centre for AI and Data Governance, Singapore Management University (SMU)
  • Willow Wong, Centre for AI and Data Governance, Singapore Management University (SMU)
  • Dr. Irene Pietropaoli, British Institute of International and Comparative Law

Who is the course for?

The course would be beneficial for legal practitioners, students, law academics and representatives of governments, civil society organisations and business with a keen interest in AI.

Course format

The virtual course format will consist of a series of 10 sessions in which live (synchronous) teaching is offered via Zoom. Participants will be able to interact with the tutors and amongst themselves on screen.

Testimonials from past attendees

 “It was very well run and interesting; I feel like I understand this difficult field better. Thank you to all organizers and tutors!”

“Thanks for having me this opportunity. It was great pleasure to learn new things in law, networking and skills building.”

“Very happy with this course, I have learned a lot. Thank you!”

Participants at BIICL short courses are also invited to join exclusive events for trainees following completion of the course.

Pricing and Registration

The course cost is £775 per person (including VAT).

This event is available for booking but you must be logged in before you can place a booking.Book now


Course Discounts

Member discount: 15% discount for individual members of BIICL
Details of individual memberships at BIICL 

Group discounts:

  • 15% discount for groups of 3 or more attendees from NGO organisations or staff of government
  • 15% discount for groups of 5 or more attendees from commercial organisations
  • To apply for any of the discounted rates, please Contact Us.

Training scholarships

The British Institute of International and Comparative Law is committed to equality and opportunity in the legal profession and to support greater engagement of under-represented groups in the legal profession.

In our efforts in this regard we are delighted to offer 3 scholarships for each of our short courses to participants from communities and backgrounds currently under-represented in the legal community.

Applications for training scholarships must be received at least three weeks ahead of the course start date (30 August 2023).

Find out more about training scholarships 

Join in the conversation @BIICL #BIICLTraining

Top 10 Books On Artificial Intelligence and the Law

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has experienced rapid advancements over recent years, permeating numerous sectors, including the legal domain. At its core, AI refers to computer systems’ ability to perform tasks that usually require human intelligence. In the realm of law, AI tools are being deployed for tasks ranging from legal document analysis and contract review to predicting case outcomes and automating administrative tasks.

As AI’s role in the legal sector expands, several critical legal and ethical questions arise. These include issues of responsibility (who is accountable if an AI makes a mistake in a legal context?), bias (how do we ensure AI tools don’t perpetuate or exacerbate existing biases in legal judgments?), and transparency (how do AI algorithms arrive at their decisions, and can they be explained to non-experts?).

Here’s a list of 10 prominent books that discuss artificial intelligence in the context of the law, along with brief summaries for each:

  1. “Artificial Intelligence and Legal Analytics: New Tools for Law Practice in the Digital Age” by Kevin D. Ashley
    • Summary: A detailed exploration of how AI can be used in legal analysis and practice. Ashley dives deep into how machine learning and AI are changing the landscape of legal research, predictions, and analytics.
  2. “Robots in Law: How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Legal Services” by Joanna Goodman
    • Summary: Goodman provides insights into how AI is affecting all aspects of the legal profession, from legal research to contract analysis and even dispute resolution. The book is a comprehensive overview of the latest innovations and what they mean for lawyers, clients, and the justice system.
  3. “Between Truth and Power: The Legal Constructions of Informational Capitalism” by Julie E. Cohen
    • Summary: Cohen delves into the intersection of law, information technology, and corporate capitalism. The book looks at how law is both shaped by and shaping the digital environment, with a special focus on the implications of AI.
  4. “Tomorrow’s Lawyers: An Introduction to Your Future” by Richard Susskind
    • Summary: While not strictly about AI, Susskind’s book explores the future of the legal profession in the face of technological advancements, including AI. He discusses the challenges and opportunities that technology presents to lawyers.
  5. “The Electronic Silk Road: How the Web Binds the World in Commerce” by Anupam Chander
    • Summary: This book is about international trade in the digital age. It touches on AI by examining how the digital revolution, including advancements in AI, challenges traditional legal frameworks around global commerce.
  6. “The Reasonable Robot: Artificial Intelligence and the Law” by Ryan Abbott
    • Summary: Abbott argues that AI and robots should be considered reasonable entities in the eyes of the law. By comparing AI actions to human actions, he delves into the potential for a new kind of jurisprudence.
  7. “Moral Machines: Teaching Robots Right from Wrong” by Wendell Wallach and Colin Allen
    • Summary: An exploration of machine ethics, this book discusses the challenge and necessity of programming morality into AI systems, especially as they interact with and influence human legal systems.
  8. “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power” by Shoshana Zuboff .
    Summary: While broader than just AI, Zuboff’s work examines the implications of digital surveillance and the commodification of personal data. It raises profound questions about privacy, democracy, and the role of law in the digital age.
  9. “Rules for a Flat World: Why Humans Invented Law and How to Reinvent It for a Complex Global Economy” by Gillian K. Hadfield
    • Summary: Hadfield offers a critical examination of current legal systems and suggests reforms to adapt to a world transformed by technology, including AI. She proposes that innovation in legal design and practice is crucial for a rapidly evolving world.
  10. “Artificial Intelligence, Technology, and the Law” by Ugo Pagallo
  • Summary: Pagallo discusses the legal challenges and considerations in the age of AI, touching on issues of responsibility, rights, and ethical considerations. The book gives a European perspective on the global challenges posed by AI technologies.

These summaries offer just a glimpse into the rich content of these books. If you’re interested in the intersection of AI and the law, any of these titles would provide an insightful read.